Peninsula Drainage System

Introduction Peninsula rivers are older than the Himalayan rivers. They are non-perennial rivers with a maximum volume of water in the rainy season. The peninsular rivers have reached mature stage and have almost reached their base level. The vertical down cutting is absent that are characterized by broad and shallow valleys. The riverbanks are characterized by the gentle slopes. he main water divide of peninsular rivers is formed by the Western Ghats extending from north to south close to the western coast. The velocity of water in the rivers and the carrying capacity of the sediments of the streams is low due to low gradient. The major rivers of the peninsula such as the Mahanadi, the Godavari, the Krishna and the Cauvery flow eastwards and drains into the Bay of Bengal. These rivers make famous deltas at their mouths. But the rivers flowing westwards such as Narmada and Tapi drains in the Arabian Sea forms estuaries in place of deltas There are rivers form supe...