Indian Monsoon
Season of india
India has the four important seasons as Summer, winter, advent of monsoon and retreating of monsoon.The summer starts
in India after 21 st of March and continue until 23rd of
September and
winter starts from 23rd of September and continue until
21 st of March.
of monsoon means start of rainfall season in India. The advent of monsoon
season in India
starts from 15th of June and continue until 15th
of September.
Retreating of monsoon means end of rainfall season in India. The rainfall in India occurs in summer through south-west monsoon winds.
Tamil Nadu is the only state in India receives rainfall in winter.
Indian climate is also called as the monsoon climate.
The word monsoon was originated from an Arabic word Mausim which is also called half yearly or six-monthly winds.
The monsoon winds are generated and enter in India by a mechanism which includes following factors –
High pressure belt P & Low-pressure belt
Jet stream
El Nino Effect
ENSO Effect
Nino and La Nino Effect
It is a natural phenomenon of Peru Country Coast, occurs in the interval of every three to five year.
El Nino and La Nina are the Latin terms which means male child and female child respectively.
When phenomenon of El Nino occurs that led to the drought in the Peru country and when La Nina phenomenon occurs that led to the flood in the Peru country.
ENSO Effect
ENSO means El Nino Southern Oscillation. This effect occurs due to oscillation in the Indian and Pacific Ocean.
Due to this ENSO Effect the monsoon in India is getting so weak and delayed to the advent.

through out the India.
According to the P. Koteshwaram, the Plateau of Tibet play very important role in the advent of
monsoon in India.
Monsoon bursting: The first rainfall in India occurs suddenly with thunderbolt which is called
bursting of monsoon.
Monsoon gape: During the rainfall season discontinuing of monsoon wind movement led to the
vacation of raining which is known as the monsoon gape.
The first rainfall in India is celebrated as an occasion which is known by the different name in
the deferent region as;
West Bengal – Baisakhi
U P & Bihar— Kal Baisakhi
Assam - Tea shower
Karnataka - Mango shower and cherry blossom

The Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal branches of the monsoon both merge at the north west region of the Ganga plains.
Delhi receives the monsoon showers from the Bay of Bengal branch by the end week of June.
Retreating of monsoon
Withdrawal or the retreat of the monsoon is a more simultaneous process.
The withdrawal of the monsoon starts from the north-western states of India by early September.
By mid-October, it withdraws from the northern half of the peninsula completely.
The withdrawal from the southern half of the peninsula is more rapid.

By the first week of December, the monsoon has withdrawn from the rest of the country.
The withdrawal takes place rapidly from north to south from early December to the first week of January.
At this point of time, the rest of the country is already under the influence of the winter monsoon.
Retreating of monsoon means end of rainfall season in India. The rainfall in India occurs in summer through south-west monsoon winds.
Tamil Nadu is the only state in India receives rainfall in winter.
Advent of monsoon in india
Farming in India is also called as the bet or gamble of monsoon.Indian climate is also called as the monsoon climate.
The word monsoon was originated from an Arabic word Mausim which is also called half yearly or six-monthly winds.
The monsoon winds are generated and enter in India by a mechanism which includes following factors –
High pressure belt P & Low-pressure belt
Jet stream
El Nino Effect
ENSO Effect
Nino and La Nino Effect
It is a natural phenomenon of Peru Country Coast, occurs in the interval of every three to five year.
El Nino and La Nina are the Latin terms which means male child and female child respectively.
When phenomenon of El Nino occurs that led to the drought in the Peru country and when La Nina phenomenon occurs that led to the flood in the Peru country.
ENSO Effect
ENSO means El Nino Southern Oscillation. This effect occurs due to oscillation in the Indian and Pacific Ocean.
Due to this ENSO Effect the monsoon in India is getting so weak and delayed to the advent.

Advent of Monsoon
The monsoon winds enters in India from Kerala on 1 st June and up to 15th June rainfall starts inthrough out the India.
According to the P. Koteshwaram, the Plateau of Tibet play very important role in the advent of
monsoon in India.
Monsoon bursting: The first rainfall in India occurs suddenly with thunderbolt which is called
bursting of monsoon.
Monsoon gape: During the rainfall season discontinuing of monsoon wind movement led to the
vacation of raining which is known as the monsoon gape.
The first rainfall in India is celebrated as an occasion which is known by the different name in
the deferent region as;
West Bengal – Baisakhi
U P & Bihar— Kal Baisakhi
Assam - Tea shower
Karnataka - Mango shower and cherry blossom

The Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal branches of the monsoon both merge at the north west region of the Ganga plains.
Delhi receives the monsoon showers from the Bay of Bengal branch by the end week of June.
Retreating of monsoon
Withdrawal or the retreat of the monsoon is a more simultaneous process.
The withdrawal of the monsoon starts from the north-western states of India by early September.
By mid-October, it withdraws from the northern half of the peninsula completely.
The withdrawal from the southern half of the peninsula is more rapid.

By the first week of December, the monsoon has withdrawn from the rest of the country.
The withdrawal takes place rapidly from north to south from early December to the first week of January.
At this point of time, the rest of the country is already under the influence of the winter monsoon.