Types and Distribution of Forest

Types of Vegetation The following major types of vegetation may be divided into: (i) Tropical Evergreen Forests (ii) Tropical Deciduous Forests (iii) Tropical Thorn Forests and Shrubs (iv) Montane Forests (v)Mangrove Forests Tropical Evergreen Forest These forests are concentrated in areas of heavy rainfall. It is located over the areas of the Western Ghats and the island groups of Lakshadweep, Andaman and Nicobar, upper parts of Assam and Tamil Nadu coast. They are found in areas where the rainfall is 200 cm of rainfall with a short dry season. The trees reach great heights up to 60 metres or even above. Since the region is characterised by warm and wet climate throughout the year. It has a luxuriant vegetation including — trees, shrubs, and creepers giving it a multi-layered structure. There is no definite time for trees to shed their leaves. As a result, these forests appear green all the year round, hence, they are called evergreen Some of the important tr...